Welcome to a hot summer morning at the Quabbin Reservoir.
Welcome to a hot summer morning at the Quabbin Reservoir.
Early incubation of great blue heron eggs as the adult sits on the eggs.
Early incubation of great blue heron eggs as the adult sits on the eggs.
Great blue heron chicks fledge in early to mid August
Great blue heron chicks fledge in early to mid August
Robins are out collecting food for the chicks.
Robins are out collecting food for the chicks.
Black eyed susans
Black eyed susans
Prescott Peninsula from the Enfield Lookout in the Quabbin Park, Belchertown, MA
Prescott Peninsula from the Enfield Lookout in the Quabbin Park, Belchertown, MA
Moose can be seen feeding all summer at small ponds and wetlands throughout the watershed
Moose can be seen feeding all summer at small ponds and wetlands throughout the watershed
A white tailed deer buck feeds in an abandoned beaver pond that has turned to a meadow.
A white tailed deer buck feeds in an abandoned beaver pond that has turned to a meadow.
  A hot summer sunrise from New Salem looking over north Quabbin.  7/23/16

A hot summer sunrise from New Salem looking over north Quabbin.  7/23/16

The road to Dana Common through Gate 40 in Petersham off of RT 32A
The road to Dana Common through Gate 40 in Petersham off of RT 32A
Calm as a mirror !
Calm as a mirror !
  Sunrise, New Salem, MA. North Quabbin...   7/24/16

Sunrise, New Salem, MA. North Quabbin...   7/24/16

Good morning Quabbin !
Good morning Quabbin !

Yesterday was a picture perfect day at Quabbin,  except it was 95 degrees F in the loon survey boat !  These puffy clouds always make a great day at Quabbin and it seems to make the water a deeper blue.  7/28/16

The painted turtle gang…….  very common through out the watershed
The painted turtle gang……. very common through out the watershed
Beavers spend the long hot summer days in their cool dark lodge and work all night.
Beavers spend the long hot summer days in their cool dark lodge and work all night.
Northern water snake. We have NO water moccasins in New England
Northern water snake. We have NO water moccasins in New England
eeeek !! a spider !!!
eeeek !! a spider !!!
  Quabbin full  "buck" moon rising,  7/19/16

Quabbin full  "buck" moon rising,  7/19/16

Double rainbow in New Salem
Double rainbow in New Salem
Hot summer afternoon…...
Hot summer afternoon…...
  Here is where the water starts it's way to the Boston area thru the Wachusett Reservoir some 24 miles to the east.  Shaft 12, the start of a long 24 mile underground tunnel. 

Here is where the water starts it's way to the Boston area thru the Wachusett Reservoir some 24 miles to the east.  Shaft 12, the start of a long 24 mile underground tunnel. 

Looking north from on the water
Looking north from on the water

Heres a great reason to be on the water at Quabbin in a boat.  The sky !  Awesome skys from out there.    6/26/15

Female blue dasher
Female blue dasher

 I took this with my 400mm lens.  Swamps at Quabbin are loaded with different dragon fly species. 6/30/15 (thanks to Dave Small for the ID)


Summer time and bumble bees. I took this with my 400mm.  Its like photographing small birds !  6/30/15

  Sunrise on a hot summers morning.  New Salem MA looking over the northern Quabbin and the southern part of Athol, MA.  7/12/16

Sunrise on a hot summers morning.  New Salem MA looking over the northern Quabbin and the southern part of Athol, MA.  7/12/16

A hot summers day at Quabbin.  Looking north from the sight of the New Salem railroad depot.  7/27/15
A hot summers day at Quabbin. Looking north from the sight of the New Salem railroad depot. 7/27/15
A beautiful summer day !
A beautiful summer day !

This photo was taken from the end of the gate 35 road in New Salem.  You can see the old Route 21 road coming out of the water from North Dana heading towards Athol.  Mt. L is to the right.  7/16/15

Quabbin summer day
Quabbin summer day

Today was about as perfect as you can get at Quabbin.  Early morning was 50 degrees and about 70 at 11.  Very little wind and few bugs out.  Most birds have stopped singing and some are starting to group up for migration already !  7/24/15

HUGE sky today at Quabbin.  8/12/15
HUGE sky today at Quabbin. 8/12/15

I took this shot from the boat while doing the weekly loon survey. It is off of the gate 35 road area looking south towards the pass with Mt L sticking up the highest on the horizon.  8/12/15

Today the sky was just the opposite at Quabbin than it was yesterday.  A beauty of  day today!
Today the sky was just the opposite at Quabbin than it was yesterday. A beauty of day today!

This is the same view as the last photo only taken a 1/2 mile farther north from shore and not a boat.  8/13/15

BIG SKY at Quabbin.
BIG SKY at Quabbin.

This is coming back to Gate 31 boat launch from the main part of the Quabbin and is looking north just before you come under the power lines. It was a great summer day to be in a boat on Quabbin.   8/7/15

Sunrise from the Quabbin lookout in New Salem on RT 202.  8/5/15
Sunrise from the Quabbin lookout in New Salem on RT 202. 8/5/15

You can see one of Quabbins many mountains poking up through the fog in the mid right of this photo.

   I spent the afternoon fine tuning my camera lenses to my cameras with an alignment program I have. I took a break and shot some bee and butterfly pictures with my 105 macro lens on the milkweed that we have all around our yard. This guy was very p

I spent the afternoon fine tuning my camera lenses to my cameras with an alignment program I have. I took a break and shot some bee and butterfly pictures with my 105 macro lens on the milkweed that we have all around our yard. This guy was very photogenic.  7/11/16

Sunrise looking towards Athol MA over north Quabbin area from the Route 202 lookout in New Salem.  8/15/15
Sunrise looking towards Athol MA over north Quabbin area from the Route 202 lookout in New Salem. 8/15/15
Bumble bee buzzing
Bumble bee buzzing

While I was focused on the jewel weed I also noticed bees. I didn't notice the shadow on the leave until I got the photo on the Mac screen at home and my wife pointed it out!  8/29/15

Morning dew
Morning dew

Jewel weed in the early morning sun.  8/29/15

Panoramic from the gate 35 area.
Panoramic from the gate 35 area.

This is an early morning iPhone 6 panoramic I took with my phone.  Some of these phones take excellent pictures.  8/23/15

Late summer in northern Quabbin
Late summer in northern Quabbin
  Here is a pretty battered looking tiger swallowtail butterfly that was feeding on this jewel weed plant at pond side a few days ago.  I just happen to see it in the early morning while the dew was still all over the plants and grass. 7/31/16

Here is a pretty battered looking tiger swallowtail butterfly that was feeding on this jewel weed plant at pond side a few days ago.  I just happen to see it in the early morning while the dew was still all over the plants and grass. 7/31/16

  Mt Ram at the south end of the Prescott Peninsula. You see this from the Enfield Lookout.  I was in a boat and we were right over the town of Enfield, or what used to be Enfield before the Quabbin was built.  8/9/16

Mt Ram at the south end of the Prescott Peninsula. You see this from the Enfield Lookout.  I was in a boat and we were right over the town of Enfield, or what used to be Enfield before the Quabbin was built.  8/9/16

  A great day on the Quabbin in a boat !!  The water is down almost 7 feet, or at about 85% capacity.  Mt. Russ is straight ahead, looking south down the Reservoir.   8/18/17  

A great day on the Quabbin in a boat !!  The water is down almost 7 feet, or at about 85% capacity.  Mt. Russ is straight ahead, looking south down the Reservoir.   8/18/17  

  Sunrise over northern Quabbin  ....  8/3/16

Sunrise over northern Quabbin  ....  8/3/16

  This site is the location of a farm in former town of Prescott that was 1 of 4 towns taken by the State of MA in the mid 1930's to make way for the creation of the 18 mile long Quabbin Reservoir that serves 1/2 the state with clean drinking water.

This site is the location of a farm in former town of Prescott that was 1 of 4 towns taken by the State of MA in the mid 1930's to make way for the creation of the 18 mile long Quabbin Reservoir that serves 1/2 the state with clean drinking water.  8/13/16

  Its going to be a hot day.  Sunrise over northern Quabbin.  8/12/16

Its going to be a hot day.  Sunrise over northern Quabbin.  8/12/16

  Low water at Quabbin,  (iPhone 6 photo)  9/1/16

Low water at Quabbin,  (iPhone 6 photo)  9/1/16

  "INCOMING  !!"


  North Orange Wildlife management area about an hour ago (6:45PM) this thunder storm built up right in front of us as we were watching herons...... 6/25/17

North Orange Wildlife management area about an hour ago (6:45PM) this thunder storm built up right in front of us as we were watching herons...... 6/25/17

  Its been a while since I took a sunrise image !  New Salem Lookout,  6/30/18.

Its been a while since I took a sunrise image ! New Salem Lookout, 6/30/18.

  Its been a while since I posted a scenic view of the Quabbin here.  This is looking north this morning from the administration building from my office window I was in when I was working there at Winsor Dam in Belchertown with the morning fog a

Its been a while since I posted a scenic view of the Quabbin here.  This is looking north this morning from the administration building from my office window I was in when I was working there at Winsor Dam in Belchertown with the morning fog almost gone.  9/17/17

  I spotted this hot air ballon flying along the Connecticut River this morning as I was headed north on RT 47 looking for cattle egrets !

I spotted this hot air ballon flying along the Connecticut River this morning as I was headed north on RT 47 looking for cattle egrets !

  The mountain laurel in north central Massachusetts this year is awesome!

The mountain laurel in north central Massachusetts this year is awesome!

  Water Lily, I know not what kind!

Water Lily, I know not what kind!

  A great day at the Quabbin, although a bit windy, it kept the bugs away!

A great day at the Quabbin, although a bit windy, it kept the bugs away!

  New Salem Lookout, summer. 2017

New Salem Lookout, summer. 2017

  "Well Doc, I think I need glasses?"  Blue dasher, Petersham MA. Nikon D850, lens is a Nikon AFS-Micro 60mm 1:2.8 ED. settings were: 1/1250 sec@ f/7.1 ISO 500 60mm @ f/2.8

"Well Doc, I think I need glasses?"
Blue dasher, Petersham MA. Nikon D850, lens is a Nikon AFS-Micro 60mm 1:2.8 ED. settings were:
1/1250 sec@ f/7.1 ISO 500 60mm @ f/2.8

  The “golden hour “ at Quabbin.

The “golden hour “ at Quabbin.

Welcome to a hot summer morning at the Quabbin Reservoir.
Early incubation of great blue heron eggs as the adult sits on the eggs.
Great blue heron chicks fledge in early to mid August
Robins are out collecting food for the chicks.
Black eyed susans
Prescott Peninsula from the Enfield Lookout in the Quabbin Park, Belchertown, MA
Moose can be seen feeding all summer at small ponds and wetlands throughout the watershed
A white tailed deer buck feeds in an abandoned beaver pond that has turned to a meadow.
  A hot summer sunrise from New Salem looking over north Quabbin.  7/23/16
The road to Dana Common through Gate 40 in Petersham off of RT 32A
Calm as a mirror !
  Sunrise, New Salem, MA. North Quabbin...   7/24/16
Good morning Quabbin !
The painted turtle gang…….  very common through out the watershed
Beavers spend the long hot summer days in their cool dark lodge and work all night.
Northern water snake. We have NO water moccasins in New England
eeeek !! a spider !!!
  Quabbin full  "buck" moon rising,  7/19/16
Double rainbow in New Salem
Hot summer afternoon…...
  Here is where the water starts it's way to the Boston area thru the Wachusett Reservoir some 24 miles to the east.  Shaft 12, the start of a long 24 mile underground tunnel. 
Looking north from on the water
Female blue dasher
  Sunrise on a hot summers morning.  New Salem MA looking over the northern Quabbin and the southern part of Athol, MA.  7/12/16
A hot summers day at Quabbin.  Looking north from the sight of the New Salem railroad depot.  7/27/15
A beautiful summer day !
Quabbin summer day
HUGE sky today at Quabbin.  8/12/15
Today the sky was just the opposite at Quabbin than it was yesterday.  A beauty of  day today!
BIG SKY at Quabbin.
Sunrise from the Quabbin lookout in New Salem on RT 202.  8/5/15
   I spent the afternoon fine tuning my camera lenses to my cameras with an alignment program I have. I took a break and shot some bee and butterfly pictures with my 105 macro lens on the milkweed that we have all around our yard. This guy was very p
Sunrise looking towards Athol MA over north Quabbin area from the Route 202 lookout in New Salem.  8/15/15
Bumble bee buzzing
Morning dew
Panoramic from the gate 35 area.
Late summer in northern Quabbin
  Here is a pretty battered looking tiger swallowtail butterfly that was feeding on this jewel weed plant at pond side a few days ago.  I just happen to see it in the early morning while the dew was still all over the plants and grass. 7/31/16
  Mt Ram at the south end of the Prescott Peninsula. You see this from the Enfield Lookout.  I was in a boat and we were right over the town of Enfield, or what used to be Enfield before the Quabbin was built.  8/9/16
  A great day on the Quabbin in a boat !!  The water is down almost 7 feet, or at about 85% capacity.  Mt. Russ is straight ahead, looking south down the Reservoir.   8/18/17  
  Sunrise over northern Quabbin  ....  8/3/16
  This site is the location of a farm in former town of Prescott that was 1 of 4 towns taken by the State of MA in the mid 1930's to make way for the creation of the 18 mile long Quabbin Reservoir that serves 1/2 the state with clean drinking water.
  Its going to be a hot day.  Sunrise over northern Quabbin.  8/12/16
  Low water at Quabbin,  (iPhone 6 photo)  9/1/16
  "INCOMING  !!"
  North Orange Wildlife management area about an hour ago (6:45PM) this thunder storm built up right in front of us as we were watching herons...... 6/25/17
  Its been a while since I took a sunrise image !  New Salem Lookout,  6/30/18.
  Its been a while since I posted a scenic view of the Quabbin here.  This is looking north this morning from the administration building from my office window I was in when I was working there at Winsor Dam in Belchertown with the morning fog a
  I spotted this hot air ballon flying along the Connecticut River this morning as I was headed north on RT 47 looking for cattle egrets !
  The mountain laurel in north central Massachusetts this year is awesome!
  Water Lily, I know not what kind!
  A great day at the Quabbin, although a bit windy, it kept the bugs away!
  New Salem Lookout, summer. 2017
  "Well Doc, I think I need glasses?"  Blue dasher, Petersham MA. Nikon D850, lens is a Nikon AFS-Micro 60mm 1:2.8 ED. settings were: 1/1250 sec@ f/7.1 ISO 500 60mm @ f/2.8
  The “golden hour “ at Quabbin.
Welcome to a hot summer morning at the Quabbin Reservoir.
Early incubation of great blue heron eggs as the adult sits on the eggs.
Great blue heron chicks fledge in early to mid August
Robins are out collecting food for the chicks.
Black eyed susans
Prescott Peninsula from the Enfield Lookout in the Quabbin Park, Belchertown, MA
Moose can be seen feeding all summer at small ponds and wetlands throughout the watershed
A white tailed deer buck feeds in an abandoned beaver pond that has turned to a meadow.

A hot summer sunrise from New Salem looking over north Quabbin.  7/23/16

The road to Dana Common through Gate 40 in Petersham off of RT 32A
Calm as a mirror !

Sunrise, New Salem, MA. North Quabbin...   7/24/16

Good morning Quabbin !

Yesterday was a picture perfect day at Quabbin,  except it was 95 degrees F in the loon survey boat !  These puffy clouds always make a great day at Quabbin and it seems to make the water a deeper blue.  7/28/16

The painted turtle gang……. very common through out the watershed
Beavers spend the long hot summer days in their cool dark lodge and work all night.
Northern water snake. We have NO water moccasins in New England
eeeek !! a spider !!!

Quabbin full  "buck" moon rising,  7/19/16

Double rainbow in New Salem
Hot summer afternoon…...

Here is where the water starts it's way to the Boston area thru the Wachusett Reservoir some 24 miles to the east.  Shaft 12, the start of a long 24 mile underground tunnel. 

Looking north from on the water

Heres a great reason to be on the water at Quabbin in a boat.  The sky !  Awesome skys from out there.    6/26/15

Female blue dasher

 I took this with my 400mm lens.  Swamps at Quabbin are loaded with different dragon fly species. 6/30/15 (thanks to Dave Small for the ID)


Summer time and bumble bees. I took this with my 400mm.  Its like photographing small birds !  6/30/15

Sunrise on a hot summers morning.  New Salem MA looking over the northern Quabbin and the southern part of Athol, MA.  7/12/16

A hot summers day at Quabbin. Looking north from the sight of the New Salem railroad depot. 7/27/15
A beautiful summer day !

This photo was taken from the end of the gate 35 road in New Salem.  You can see the old Route 21 road coming out of the water from North Dana heading towards Athol.  Mt. L is to the right.  7/16/15

Quabbin summer day

Today was about as perfect as you can get at Quabbin.  Early morning was 50 degrees and about 70 at 11.  Very little wind and few bugs out.  Most birds have stopped singing and some are starting to group up for migration already !  7/24/15

HUGE sky today at Quabbin. 8/12/15

I took this shot from the boat while doing the weekly loon survey. It is off of the gate 35 road area looking south towards the pass with Mt L sticking up the highest on the horizon.  8/12/15

Today the sky was just the opposite at Quabbin than it was yesterday. A beauty of day today!

This is the same view as the last photo only taken a 1/2 mile farther north from shore and not a boat.  8/13/15

BIG SKY at Quabbin.

This is coming back to Gate 31 boat launch from the main part of the Quabbin and is looking north just before you come under the power lines. It was a great summer day to be in a boat on Quabbin.   8/7/15

Sunrise from the Quabbin lookout in New Salem on RT 202. 8/5/15

You can see one of Quabbins many mountains poking up through the fog in the mid right of this photo.

I spent the afternoon fine tuning my camera lenses to my cameras with an alignment program I have. I took a break and shot some bee and butterfly pictures with my 105 macro lens on the milkweed that we have all around our yard. This guy was very photogenic.  7/11/16

Sunrise looking towards Athol MA over north Quabbin area from the Route 202 lookout in New Salem. 8/15/15
Bumble bee buzzing

While I was focused on the jewel weed I also noticed bees. I didn't notice the shadow on the leave until I got the photo on the Mac screen at home and my wife pointed it out!  8/29/15

Morning dew

Jewel weed in the early morning sun.  8/29/15

Panoramic from the gate 35 area.

This is an early morning iPhone 6 panoramic I took with my phone.  Some of these phones take excellent pictures.  8/23/15

Late summer in northern Quabbin

Here is a pretty battered looking tiger swallowtail butterfly that was feeding on this jewel weed plant at pond side a few days ago.  I just happen to see it in the early morning while the dew was still all over the plants and grass. 7/31/16

Mt Ram at the south end of the Prescott Peninsula. You see this from the Enfield Lookout.  I was in a boat and we were right over the town of Enfield, or what used to be Enfield before the Quabbin was built.  8/9/16

A great day on the Quabbin in a boat !!  The water is down almost 7 feet, or at about 85% capacity.  Mt. Russ is straight ahead, looking south down the Reservoir.   8/18/17  

Sunrise over northern Quabbin  ....  8/3/16

This site is the location of a farm in former town of Prescott that was 1 of 4 towns taken by the State of MA in the mid 1930's to make way for the creation of the 18 mile long Quabbin Reservoir that serves 1/2 the state with clean drinking water.  8/13/16

Its going to be a hot day.  Sunrise over northern Quabbin.  8/12/16

Low water at Quabbin,  (iPhone 6 photo)  9/1/16


North Orange Wildlife management area about an hour ago (6:45PM) this thunder storm built up right in front of us as we were watching herons...... 6/25/17

Its been a while since I took a sunrise image ! New Salem Lookout, 6/30/18.

Its been a while since I posted a scenic view of the Quabbin here.  This is looking north this morning from the administration building from my office window I was in when I was working there at Winsor Dam in Belchertown with the morning fog almost gone.  9/17/17

I spotted this hot air ballon flying along the Connecticut River this morning as I was headed north on RT 47 looking for cattle egrets !

The mountain laurel in north central Massachusetts this year is awesome!

Water Lily, I know not what kind!

A great day at the Quabbin, although a bit windy, it kept the bugs away!

New Salem Lookout, summer. 2017

"Well Doc, I think I need glasses?"
Blue dasher, Petersham MA. Nikon D850, lens is a Nikon AFS-Micro 60mm 1:2.8 ED. settings were:
1/1250 sec@ f/7.1 ISO 500 60mm @ f/2.8

The “golden hour “ at Quabbin.

show thumbnails