"welllll, you know Marsha, he just hasn't been the same since he sat on a piece of used chewing gum someone threw down up on the grass"

"Look !!, we are NOT on the Titanic, You're NOT Leonard
DiCaprio, Kate Winslet is NOT here and we can ALL fly. Quit yelling I'm FLYING.... I'm FLYING so we can get some sleep !!"

"Shut up Harry !! If it weren't for you we'd still be where its warm with lots of bugs to eat,, BUT NOOOO you had migrate early to see the guys again, so we freeze and have to fly 50 miles a day for a few measly bugs that are also frozen, next year we do things MY way !!"

"Please stop doing that in public, you're embarrassing me!! "

"You girls did WHAT to your hair ! !?

"I don't usually drink from a roadside ditch, but when I do its salty muck on Cape Breton in the Highlands National Park.. stay thirsty my friends"

"He lost his watch last week and he's driving me nuts, since then everywhere we go he looks for it. "

"Watch out !!! my brakes don't work !! "

“We have about a month to make up our minds. I heard a band from California called the Eagles of all things, was looking for a new member, maybe Ill try that for a while".......

"Hey Fuzzy, have you ever wondered how many tons of fish we eat in a year?"

"Stop it ! you'll draw attention to us and make people think greater black back gulls are nuts"

"Do you think we will interfere with their TV reception?"

"HEEYYYY !! who's up there screwing with the TV antenna??. will you knock it off?

I thought this was funny ! Mrs. Raccoon did not I guess...

“Hey Ozzie, look at this mess, these beavers sure are pigs!”

“ I heard dad tell mom if they didn't leave on their own, he'd help them out of the pond himself. This is what we get when we turn 2 ? after all the wood we've cut down and long nights patching up his old crappy dam ?? ! ! "

"welllll, you know Marsha, he just hasn't been the same since he sat on a piece of used chewing gum someone threw down up on the grass"
"Look !!, we are NOT on the Titanic, You're NOT Leonard
DiCaprio, Kate Winslet is NOT here and we can ALL fly. Quit yelling I'm FLYING.... I'm FLYING so we can get some sleep !!"
"Shut up Harry !! If it weren't for you we'd still be where its warm with lots of bugs to eat,, BUT NOOOO you had migrate early to see the guys again, so we freeze and have to fly 50 miles a day for a few measly bugs that are also frozen, next year we do things MY way !!"
"Please stop doing that in public, you're embarrassing me!! "
"You girls did WHAT to your hair ! !?
"I don't usually drink from a roadside ditch, but when I do its salty muck on Cape Breton in the Highlands National Park.. stay thirsty my friends"
"He lost his watch last week and he's driving me nuts, since then everywhere we go he looks for it. "
"Watch out !!! my brakes don't work !! "
“We have about a month to make up our minds. I heard a band from California called the Eagles of all things, was looking for a new member, maybe Ill try that for a while".......
"Hey Fuzzy, have you ever wondered how many tons of fish we eat in a year?"
"Stop it ! you'll draw attention to us and make people think greater black back gulls are nuts"
"Do you think we will interfere with their TV reception?"
"HEEYYYY !! who's up there screwing with the TV antenna??. will you knock it off?
I thought this was funny ! Mrs. Raccoon did not I guess...
“Hey Ozzie, look at this mess, these beavers sure are pigs!”
“ I heard dad tell mom if they didn't leave on their own, he'd help them out of the pond himself. This is what we get when we turn 2 ? after all the wood we've cut down and long nights patching up his old crappy dam ?? ! ! "