After driving 800 miles I love seeing this sign again after crossing the Canso Causeway.

Cape Breton Island, South Harbor sunrise. 6/5/18

Aspy Bay, South Harbor, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Our home away from home! Looking out on the Atlantic Ocean behind a barrier beach.

The plaque tells the story. Its the barrier beach in front of the cottage.

Here is the man !

This is supposedly where he landed in Aspy Bay.

This photo is Bay St. Lawrence taken from the access road to Money Point in the early 1990's. Newfoundland is 40 miles away straight out.

Lobster season in the small fishing village of White Point. By the looks of the barn its this guy hunts moose antlers laying on the ground in the off season.

Early morning on the beach……it reminds me of the last scene in Planet Of The Apes !

Sunrise from the cottage. I find myself getting up at 3:45 AM Maritimes time to take these photos in early June.

I took this photo in the early 90's and converted it from a slide.

The Atlantic coast just south of Money Point. You can see Money Point in the fog under the rainbow.

Neil's Harbor, Cape Breton

The Englishtown Ferry. Its a small ferry that runs on a huge cable. It saves you 30 minutes off your trip.

Fiddle lessons anyone? This is the Sydney Cruise Pavilion where the large cruise ships dock.

Drive the 6 mile dirt road out to Meat Cove ! It got its name because whales used to brought into the cove by boat and cut up for various whale products during the whaling years.

Looks like another early morning and another sunrise photo.

This is the Cabot Trail on the St. Lawrence Seaway side of the island. This is the most photographed portion of the road along this coast.

The road to Red River can be seen along the shore. It goes through Pleasant Bay and into the wilderness. trust me ! Ive been there...

Here are 7 grey seals lounging about on the shore of Bird Island off the coast of Cape Breton Males can grow to be almost 8 feet long and weight 680 pounds. 6/15/16

Did you know Cape Breton has the most rainbows of anywhere on earth?

A grey seal gives us the seal of approval out at Bird Islands Seabird Sanctuary 7 miles out into the Atlantic Ocean off of Cape Breton. 6/18/16

The Orangedale Railroad station.

Good morning Cape Breton ! Finally after a week I see the horizon in front of the cottage. No fog today! 6/18/16

The Skyline trail is named correctly.

A group of puffins bob in the water off of Cape Breton near Bird Islands. These little guys spend all year out to sea and only come to land to nest. This is one of their nesting islands. 6/16/16

A snow shoe hare was hopping down the road to Paquette Lake on Cape Breton Wednesday night (6/22/16). He turned around and came right up to the car.... notice the huge feet on this hare... still some white fur around the edges.

"Halt, who goes there?" Some moose just stand and look while you stroll by on the Skyline trail..

Here's a group of puffins hanging out on their front porches in front of their nesting burrows. They are discussing the Red Sox's chances and who will be the nest president. I overheard one of them say he was glad they live way out to sea for 10 months a year!

A snowshoe hare jets off to get away from me on the Skyline Trail. These guys have huge feet and I saw a great photo op by walking up behind them.

These flowers are all over the Cape Breton Highlands National Park.....6/15/16

Snow the first week of October.

Piping plovers are endangered in Nova Scotia as they are in MA. The beaches where they nest are all posted. This morning I found this one wandering up and down looking for breakfast a far shot from where the posted areas were on South Harbor Beach on Cape Breton. 6/14/16

Arggh ! another sunrise

Taken from Blackomb Mountain, British Columbia, Canada 2004. Some friends and I used to go skiing each year in the Canadian Rockies at a different place each year. This was taken from Backcomb Mountain and converted from a slide...what an awesome place the Canadian Rockies are. Im not sure what mountain range that is on the horizon.

Some times the sunrises up there have to be seen to be believed.

Heavy rains last night on Cape Breton really gave us some wild water today ! Mary Ann Falls, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia, Atlantic Canada. 6/13/16

Looking off into the wilderness of the Cape Breton Highlands after an early snowstorm.

The mighty North Atlantic was pretty wild today after the heavy rain storm last night on Cale Breton. 6/13/16

A fishing boat heads into White Point Harbor.

A storm is coming across Aspy Bay…...

I saw this red fox walking casually down a dirt road this afternoon as I was cruising the back roads of north Cape Breton. It watched the car and when I opened the door it made for the woods.... 6/12/16

Neils Harbor. Storms generate tremendous waves right on the North Atlantic coast.

White Point, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. This raven got a little to close to a nesting gull colony this morning. 6/12/16

North Harbor, Aspy Bay

First day here ! Looking north from the top of MacKensie Mountain towards the northern tip of the island 6/11/16

The entrance to the Bay St. Lawrence cove. The waves get to be HUGE sometimes up there.

This is how then Canadians wash their cars aye?

Bay St. Lawrence on a beautiful June Day…… This is on the west side of Money point looking east.

This was taken from a boat. I have actually seen black bears up there so its appropriately named.

Photo courtesy of my friends Jean and Lawrence Walsh of South Harbor.

This is called a "hanging valley" by the geologists. As you can see fall is a great time to be on Cape Breton.

Cape Smokey in the distance and it looks like I need to clean the lens but its black flies buzzing thick as fog !! They were so bad I could only stay there 15 minutes.

I found this pair of ring necked duck on Paquette Lake early this morning in the Cape breton Highlands National Park. The male sure has his eyes on me! 6/7/15

These are great birds that dive from great elevations beak first to spear fish. They are on the ocean all the time except when nesting. Aspy Bay, Cape Breton. 6/7/15

I saw this bald eagle sitting on top of this huge pile of rocks right on the oceans edge on my way to Cape Breton, Nova Scotia yesterday and had to drive back and take his photo. 6/6/15

Sunrise over South Harbor, Cape Breton Island. 6/10/15

Black Brook. Cape Breton Highlands National Park. Nova Scotia. 6/10/15

Lobster season is in full swing on Cape Breton. If you like lobster you would be in heaven here.! 6/9/15

I took this time exposure shot from the front porch of the cottage at 2 AM in the morning. ISO at 6400 and shutter speed at 15 seconds. 6/8/15

Here is another night shot from the front porch of the cottage on South Harbor on Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 6/8/15, 2AM

This is the fishing village of Pleasant Bay with the lobster season in full swing. 6/8/15

This whale was cruising the shores of White Point this morning. I heard him blow out his blowhole and thats how I found him. White Point, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. 6/10/15

Its very hard to get these birds near land as they spend most of their time at sea. This one flew right over me as I sat on a cliff at White Point, Cape Breton, Island, Nova Scotia, 6/9/15

A herring gull drops a clam from 100 feet up to crack it open on rocks ! 6/9/15

A pair of black guillemots get a visitor ... White Point, 6/9/15

Lots of these birds on the Skyline Trail in Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia today. 6/8/15

A snowshoe hare with just about all his white fur gone for the summer. He really was enjoying the spring grass. Skyline Trail. CB Highlands National Park. Nova Scotia. 6/8/15

I had to post this ! there is still big patches of snow on Cape Breton in June. Ive never seen snow on the ground in June !! 6/11/15

This is the trail to Benji's Lake in Cape Breton Highlands Park. Ive seen many moose over the years on this trail ! 6/11/15

This is the southern of the two islands that make up a large pelagic nesting sanctuary that is accessible only by boat. Its a fascinating place ! 6/15/15

Found in a large nesting colony on the Bird Islands north coast of Cape Breton Island accessed only by boat. 6/12/15

Here is a few of them looking at us from their front porch ! Saint Ann's Bay, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. 6/15/15

I found this raven playing with a lobster claw !! 6/14/15

White Point is that white point in the far distance :) 6/14/15

A small flock of these guys bobbing in heavy seas. 6/14/15

The rugged coast of Cape Breton, 6/14/15

Here's a lucky eagle scoring big time with a fish thrown from the boat ! 6/12/15

A seabird found on Bird Islands off of the coast of northern Cape Breton. There is a large nesting colony accessed only by boat. 6/12/15

A female grey seal is hauled up on the rocks on Bird Island off the coast of Cape Breton working on her tan ! 6/12/15

A large group of male grey seals all hauled up on Bird Island off of Cape Breton Island. They are all talking about the Red Sox this season I'll bet ! 6/12/15

Here is a cousin to the ruffed grouse that is rare except in northern New England for us. This bird was in a spruce tree next to me while I was photographing the moose !! 6/11/15

Notice the band of brave cormorants on top of this rock with the waves as high as they are. They have a close up view in about a 40 to 50 mph wind. West side of Cape Breton Island. 10/10/15

Monster waves on the west side of Cape Breton. You could get seasick just watching them....... 10/10/15

This is from the same location as the last photo only taken at 11 PM last night. You can see the cell towers on the Aspy Faultline and Money Point in the distance.

Here is Mary Ann Brook just before it flows over Mary Ann Falls in the Cape Breton Highlands National Park. 10/16/15

Leaving Mary Ann Falls

This is Money Point looking at it's west side just above Bay St. Lawrence. 10/16/15

They don't call them "The Highlands" for nothing ! Meat Cove. 10/15/15

Today I hiked 2.5 miles up to Mica Hill. This is a new trail in the Cape Breton Highlands National Park and the views were spectacular. It puts you right up top of the taiga region of the Park and you can see for miles all around. This photo was taken after the first half mile. 10/13/15

This is farther along the Mica Hill trail and close to the top. Money Point can be seen way off in the distance. 10/13/15

Mica Lake. After a two hour hike I was at the top. Mica Lake can be seen. This is prime moose country and in the heart of the Highlands National Park. Sadly I saw no moose today! 10 13/15

A real nice morning here off the front porch.

Looking north up towards Pleasant Bay an into Red River along the St. Lawrence Seaway on the west side of Cape Breton. 10/14/15

Early morning fog sits in the valley looking out towards the Atlantic Ocean ovwe the Aspy Bay and the fishing village of Dingwall. 10/20/15

An iPhone pano shot looking down on the Saint Ann's Bay on Cape Breton. 10/17/15

Heres an early morning photo of the Bras d'Or lookout on the east side of the inland lake in the middle of Cape Breton. 10/18/15

A fly by from a northern gannet as there was a large number of them feeding on fish fairly close to shore. They dive head first into the water after the fish (see next photo) Cape Breton, 10/11/15

Here is a northern gannet diving at a break neck speed after a fish. 10/11/15

Here is a cousin of the ruffed grouse. These birds are found in the taiga and spruce regions of Cape Breton. I did a 5 mile hike today up to the barrens and saw 4 males. This was the second one. 10/13/15

This is the third male spruce grouse I ran across this morning. They are very tame and you can get quite close to them. A lot closer than you can come to the ruffed grouse! 10/13/15

These seabirds dive at 60 miles per hour sometimes from 30 stories up head first after fish sometimes breaking their necks ! 10/16/15

Gray seals have taken up their winter residence along the coast of Cape Breton. These 3 guys were part of about 20 or so just hanging about the rocks feeding on White Point, Cape Breton.

I saw this eider duck in Ingonish Harbor this afternoon. She had seven ducklings with her and she had them in the surf along the shore. Cute little buggers! 6/13/17

The tail end of Hurricane Matthew made for some hair raising weather on Cape Breton. This was right after it left for Newfoundland.

The power of the North Atlantic can really be seen in Black Brook Cove on Cape Breton. This was the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew.

Meat Cove, the northern most village on Cape Breton. Today was a fabulous day to be out and about on the Island.

Sunset from Cheticamp Island on the west side of Cape Breton over the St Lawrence Seaway.

This mink lives in the breakwater wall in front of the cottage. We see it every year when we are here. This year it got pretty curious !

A small pod breaks from the larger 40 or so short beaked common dolphins while feeding on the small bill fish that the tuna fish have chased into the end of the Canso Causeway on Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. 10/8/17

An adult northern gannet hovers over a school of fish with about 5,000 other gannets ! Cape Breton Island, Canso Causeway, Nova Scotia, Canada. 10/7/16

Point Wolfe River flowing into the Bay of Fundy, Alma, New Brunswick, Canada. 10/5/15

Heres a video I took last week on Cape Breton of northern gannets diving for fish. The next day these thousands and thousands of gannets were gone. I was lucky to see this just before they migrated south.

Northern gannets diving for fish off the east coast of cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. 6/3/17

This sunrise suddenly was gone and it was dark and in the 40's today with heavy winds here on Cape Breton ! 6/14/17

I've been having fun with all the snowshoe hares on the island. They still have some white fur left from their winter coat. This one let me get almost up to it before it exploded with those huge feet !! and check out the ears !! 6/13/17

As i was getting ready to head out for a hike along the Atlantic shore this thunderstorm appeared right before my eyes! Needless to say I waited until it was over and over the ocean ! 6/13/17

Good morning Cape Breton ! 6/13/17

Sunrise Valley, Cape Breton looking out over Aspy Bay this morning....put on your sunglasses !! 6/12/17

Sunrise, 6/11/17, South Harbor, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia......

Two greater black-backed gulls were buzzing around in tandem this morning out on White Point. 6/11/17

Northern gannets hit the water head first going 60 mph while diving for fish. They fly as fast as peregrine falcons at times. This was another White point visitor this morning. 6/11/17

Quite a surprise to see ten herons along the coast loafing in a seabird nesting colony. Here are 5 of the 10 this morning sitting along the rocks of White Point. 6/11/17

The small fishing village of Ingonish, on the east shore of Cape Breton right on the Atlantic Ocean. A beaut of a day today after a rain storm last night. 6/10/17

I found this young raven hiding in the grass on top of a huge drop off over the ocean this morning. he was just watching the world go by ! He finally took off behind him and glided down to the rocks below. 7/10/17

Heres an adult raven screaming "I am king of the world" in the same location as the previous raven photo. I love Cape Breton ravens ! (sounds like a sports promo) 7/10/17

Sunrise 6/8/17 South Harbor, Cape Breton, NS Canada

An adult bald eagle soars over St. Ann's Bay, Cape Breton. 6/8/17

Puffin day for me ! Bird Island tour out of St. Ann's Bay to Bird Islands in the Cabot Strait. Many nesting puffins and other sea birds, including great blue herons !! 6/8/17

Three puffins lolly-gagging about the Bird Islands. 6/8/17

Cape Smokey,, Northern cape Breton Island has its own weather system being right on the northern Atlantic Ocean.......7/6/17

Sunrise from the porch. 6/6/17. South Harbor, Cape Breton, NS, Canada

Lobster season on Cape Breton..... St. Paul's Island in the distance. Taken from Neil's Harbor looking dead north up the east side of the island. 6/6/17

I was taking gannet pictures 200 yards off the rocks as they fed on small fish. This giant humpback whale made his presence known to me by popping to the surface and blowing air out his blow hole ! What a great surprise so close to me.... 6/6/17 (better than a bear Jim !! )

Did you know Cape Breton has the most rainbows per year in the world? I watched this one form into a double rainbow over the Aspy Bay this morning then head right towards me before disappearing. You can see the rain falling around it. 10/12/17

Neil's Harbor, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, planet Earth 10/11/17

After 3 hours one day and 90 minutes the next of watching these gray seals I finally got a decent family photo...... Cape Breton, Nova Scotia 10/10/17

Early morning sun lighting up Aspy Bay, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia Canada 10/9/17

Cape Breton at last ! this is the welcoming committee first thing this morning just down the shore from the cottage.

Mabou, Cape Breton Island….6/4/18

This juvenile bald eagle carried this 2 foot long stick around the Aspy Bay this morning for 15 minutes. He finally disappeared with it !

Sunrise, South Harbor, Cape Breton NS Canada 6/11/18

I caught this snowshoe hare in miid air as he hopped away from me.

This spruce grouse was setting by the side of a hiking trail in the boreal forest here on Cape Breton last week. The are very approachable birds.

This bald eagle snagged this fish right in front of me as I was in a boat on the St Ann’s Bay on Cape Breton yesterday…..6/7/18

Black Brook Cove on the Cabot Trail, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Because of the weather systems up there, Cape Breton has the most rainbows a year in the world !

Here’s another rainbow we saw 30 minutes after the Black Brook rainbow. This one is over the fishing village of Ingonish on the Cabot Trail on Cape Breton….

Neil’s Harbor today. Wild and wooly remnants of Hurricane Michael leaving northern Nova Scotia and into the open Atlantic.

Black Brook, Cape Breton, Cabot Trail, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Lake Warren, Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia….awesome foliage this year…. you can see a loon informational poster off to the lower right. Loons nest on this lake.

The north Atlantic Ocean at the mouth of Neil’s Harbor, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada……..

Money Point off in the distance looking over South Harbor on the Aspy Bay. Cape Breton NS, Canada on a calm day.

An immature northern gannet shakes off water after a break-neck dive for a fish off the coast of Northern Nova Scotia, Cape Breton Island, Eastern Canada

A male spruce grouse was picking seeds along one of the many dirt roads in The Highlands National Park yesterday morning

This morning in the rain on Cape Breton Island, Canada I had this HUGE black bear appear magically in front of me on the trail. He took one look and ran a ways into the woods and then just stared at me for about 5 minutes. I wondered if he thought I didn't have had enough meat on my bones!… He left….

Here are a few razor billed auks in an image taken last week off of the Bird Islands on the shore of Cape Breton Island. These birds are related to penguins and only come to land to nest and raise the young. Then they fly back out to sea. Sharp looking birds :)

White Point, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. 6/18/19

Early morning from the North Atlantic on the east side off Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada

Sunrise from Neils Harbor, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada from last week on my 2 weeks stay. It poured quite a few days while I was there.

After driving 800 miles I love seeing this sign again after crossing the Canso Causeway.
Cape Breton Island, South Harbor sunrise. 6/5/18
Aspy Bay, South Harbor, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Our home away from home! Looking out on the Atlantic Ocean behind a barrier beach.
The plaque tells the story. Its the barrier beach in front of the cottage.
Here is the man !
This is supposedly where he landed in Aspy Bay.
This photo is Bay St. Lawrence taken from the access road to Money Point in the early 1990's. Newfoundland is 40 miles away straight out.
Lobster season in the small fishing village of White Point. By the looks of the barn its this guy hunts moose antlers laying on the ground in the off season.
Early morning on the beach……it reminds me of the last scene in Planet Of The Apes !
Sunrise from the cottage. I find myself getting up at 3:45 AM Maritimes time to take these photos in early June.
I took this photo in the early 90's and converted it from a slide.
The Atlantic coast just south of Money Point. You can see Money Point in the fog under the rainbow.
Neil's Harbor, Cape Breton
The Englishtown Ferry. Its a small ferry that runs on a huge cable. It saves you 30 minutes off your trip.
Fiddle lessons anyone? This is the Sydney Cruise Pavilion where the large cruise ships dock.
Drive the 6 mile dirt road out to Meat Cove ! It got its name because whales used to brought into the cove by boat and cut up for various whale products during the whaling years.
Looks like another early morning and another sunrise photo.
This is the Cabot Trail on the St. Lawrence Seaway side of the island. This is the most photographed portion of the road along this coast.
The road to Red River can be seen along the shore. It goes through Pleasant Bay and into the wilderness. trust me ! Ive been there...
Here are 7 grey seals lounging about on the shore of Bird Island off the coast of Cape Breton Males can grow to be almost 8 feet long and weight 680 pounds. 6/15/16
Did you know Cape Breton has the most rainbows of anywhere on earth?
A grey seal gives us the seal of approval out at Bird Islands Seabird Sanctuary 7 miles out into the Atlantic Ocean off of Cape Breton. 6/18/16
The Orangedale Railroad station.
Good morning Cape Breton ! Finally after a week I see the horizon in front of the cottage. No fog today! 6/18/16
The Skyline trail is named correctly.
A group of puffins bob in the water off of Cape Breton near Bird Islands. These little guys spend all year out to sea and only come to land to nest. This is one of their nesting islands. 6/16/16
A snow shoe hare was hopping down the road to Paquette Lake on Cape Breton Wednesday night (6/22/16). He turned around and came right up to the car.... notice the huge feet on this hare... still some white fur around the edges.
"Halt, who goes there?" Some moose just stand and look while you stroll by on the Skyline trail..
Here's a group of puffins hanging out on their front porches in front of their nesting burrows. They are discussing the Red Sox's chances and who will be the nest president. I overheard one of them say he was glad they live way out to sea for 10 months a year!
A snowshoe hare jets off to get away from me on the Skyline Trail. These guys have huge feet and I saw a great photo op by walking up behind them.
These flowers are all over the Cape Breton Highlands National Park.....6/15/16
Snow the first week of October.
Piping plovers are endangered in Nova Scotia as they are in MA. The beaches where they nest are all posted. This morning I found this one wandering up and down looking for breakfast a far shot from where the posted areas were on South Harbor Beach on Cape Breton. 6/14/16
Arggh ! another sunrise
Taken from Blackomb Mountain, British Columbia, Canada 2004. Some friends and I used to go skiing each year in the Canadian Rockies at a different place each year. This was taken from Backcomb Mountain and converted from a slide...what an awesome place the Canadian Rockies are. Im not sure what mountain range that is on the horizon.
Some times the sunrises up there have to be seen to be believed.
Heavy rains last night on Cape Breton really gave us some wild water today ! Mary Ann Falls, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia, Atlantic Canada. 6/13/16
Looking off into the wilderness of the Cape Breton Highlands after an early snowstorm.
The mighty North Atlantic was pretty wild today after the heavy rain storm last night on Cale Breton. 6/13/16
A fishing boat heads into White Point Harbor.
A storm is coming across Aspy Bay…...
I saw this red fox walking casually down a dirt road this afternoon as I was cruising the back roads of north Cape Breton. It watched the car and when I opened the door it made for the woods.... 6/12/16
Neils Harbor. Storms generate tremendous waves right on the North Atlantic coast.
White Point, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. This raven got a little to close to a nesting gull colony this morning. 6/12/16
North Harbor, Aspy Bay
First day here ! Looking north from the top of MacKensie Mountain towards the northern tip of the island 6/11/16
The entrance to the Bay St. Lawrence cove. The waves get to be HUGE sometimes up there.
This is how then Canadians wash their cars aye?
Bay St. Lawrence on a beautiful June Day…… This is on the west side of Money point looking east.
This was taken from a boat. I have actually seen black bears up there so its appropriately named.
Photo courtesy of my friends Jean and Lawrence Walsh of South Harbor.
This is called a "hanging valley" by the geologists. As you can see fall is a great time to be on Cape Breton.
Cape Smokey in the distance and it looks like I need to clean the lens but its black flies buzzing thick as fog !! They were so bad I could only stay there 15 minutes.
I found this pair of ring necked duck on Paquette Lake early this morning in the Cape breton Highlands National Park. The male sure has his eyes on me! 6/7/15
These are great birds that dive from great elevations beak first to spear fish. They are on the ocean all the time except when nesting. Aspy Bay, Cape Breton. 6/7/15
I saw this bald eagle sitting on top of this huge pile of rocks right on the oceans edge on my way to Cape Breton, Nova Scotia yesterday and had to drive back and take his photo. 6/6/15
Sunrise over South Harbor, Cape Breton Island. 6/10/15
Black Brook. Cape Breton Highlands National Park. Nova Scotia. 6/10/15
Lobster season is in full swing on Cape Breton. If you like lobster you would be in heaven here.! 6/9/15
I took this time exposure shot from the front porch of the cottage at 2 AM in the morning. ISO at 6400 and shutter speed at 15 seconds. 6/8/15
Here is another night shot from the front porch of the cottage on South Harbor on Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 6/8/15, 2AM
This is the fishing village of Pleasant Bay with the lobster season in full swing. 6/8/15
This whale was cruising the shores of White Point this morning. I heard him blow out his blowhole and thats how I found him. White Point, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. 6/10/15
Its very hard to get these birds near land as they spend most of their time at sea. This one flew right over me as I sat on a cliff at White Point, Cape Breton, Island, Nova Scotia, 6/9/15
A herring gull drops a clam from 100 feet up to crack it open on rocks ! 6/9/15
A pair of black guillemots get a visitor ... White Point, 6/9/15
Lots of these birds on the Skyline Trail in Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia today. 6/8/15
A snowshoe hare with just about all his white fur gone for the summer. He really was enjoying the spring grass. Skyline Trail. CB Highlands National Park. Nova Scotia. 6/8/15
I had to post this ! there is still big patches of snow on Cape Breton in June. Ive never seen snow on the ground in June !! 6/11/15
This is the trail to Benji's Lake in Cape Breton Highlands Park. Ive seen many moose over the years on this trail ! 6/11/15
This is the southern of the two islands that make up a large pelagic nesting sanctuary that is accessible only by boat. Its a fascinating place ! 6/15/15
Found in a large nesting colony on the Bird Islands north coast of Cape Breton Island accessed only by boat. 6/12/15
Here is a few of them looking at us from their front porch ! Saint Ann's Bay, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. 6/15/15
I found this raven playing with a lobster claw !! 6/14/15
White Point is that white point in the far distance :) 6/14/15
A small flock of these guys bobbing in heavy seas. 6/14/15
The rugged coast of Cape Breton, 6/14/15
Here's a lucky eagle scoring big time with a fish thrown from the boat ! 6/12/15
A seabird found on Bird Islands off of the coast of northern Cape Breton. There is a large nesting colony accessed only by boat. 6/12/15
A female grey seal is hauled up on the rocks on Bird Island off the coast of Cape Breton working on her tan ! 6/12/15
A large group of male grey seals all hauled up on Bird Island off of Cape Breton Island. They are all talking about the Red Sox this season I'll bet ! 6/12/15
Here is a cousin to the ruffed grouse that is rare except in northern New England for us. This bird was in a spruce tree next to me while I was photographing the moose !! 6/11/15
Notice the band of brave cormorants on top of this rock with the waves as high as they are. They have a close up view in about a 40 to 50 mph wind. West side of Cape Breton Island. 10/10/15
Monster waves on the west side of Cape Breton. You could get seasick just watching them....... 10/10/15
This is from the same location as the last photo only taken at 11 PM last night. You can see the cell towers on the Aspy Faultline and Money Point in the distance.
Here is Mary Ann Brook just before it flows over Mary Ann Falls in the Cape Breton Highlands National Park. 10/16/15
Leaving Mary Ann Falls
This is Money Point looking at it's west side just above Bay St. Lawrence. 10/16/15
They don't call them "The Highlands" for nothing ! Meat Cove. 10/15/15
Today I hiked 2.5 miles up to Mica Hill. This is a new trail in the Cape Breton Highlands National Park and the views were spectacular. It puts you right up top of the taiga region of the Park and you can see for miles all around. This photo was taken after the first half mile. 10/13/15
This is farther along the Mica Hill trail and close to the top. Money Point can be seen way off in the distance. 10/13/15
Mica Lake. After a two hour hike I was at the top. Mica Lake can be seen. This is prime moose country and in the heart of the Highlands National Park. Sadly I saw no moose today! 10 13/15
A real nice morning here off the front porch.
Looking north up towards Pleasant Bay an into Red River along the St. Lawrence Seaway on the west side of Cape Breton. 10/14/15
Early morning fog sits in the valley looking out towards the Atlantic Ocean ovwe the Aspy Bay and the fishing village of Dingwall. 10/20/15
An iPhone pano shot looking down on the Saint Ann's Bay on Cape Breton. 10/17/15
Heres an early morning photo of the Bras d'Or lookout on the east side of the inland lake in the middle of Cape Breton. 10/18/15
A fly by from a northern gannet as there was a large number of them feeding on fish fairly close to shore. They dive head first into the water after the fish (see next photo) Cape Breton, 10/11/15
Here is a northern gannet diving at a break neck speed after a fish. 10/11/15
Here is a cousin of the ruffed grouse. These birds are found in the taiga and spruce regions of Cape Breton. I did a 5 mile hike today up to the barrens and saw 4 males. This was the second one. 10/13/15
This is the third male spruce grouse I ran across this morning. They are very tame and you can get quite close to them. A lot closer than you can come to the ruffed grouse! 10/13/15
These seabirds dive at 60 miles per hour sometimes from 30 stories up head first after fish sometimes breaking their necks ! 10/16/15
Gray seals have taken up their winter residence along the coast of Cape Breton. These 3 guys were part of about 20 or so just hanging about the rocks feeding on White Point, Cape Breton.
I saw this eider duck in Ingonish Harbor this afternoon. She had seven ducklings with her and she had them in the surf along the shore. Cute little buggers! 6/13/17
The tail end of Hurricane Matthew made for some hair raising weather on Cape Breton. This was right after it left for Newfoundland.
The power of the North Atlantic can really be seen in Black Brook Cove on Cape Breton. This was the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew.
Meat Cove, the northern most village on Cape Breton. Today was a fabulous day to be out and about on the Island.
Sunset from Cheticamp Island on the west side of Cape Breton over the St Lawrence Seaway.
This mink lives in the breakwater wall in front of the cottage. We see it every year when we are here. This year it got pretty curious !
A small pod breaks from the larger 40 or so short beaked common dolphins while feeding on the small bill fish that the tuna fish have chased into the end of the Canso Causeway on Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. 10/8/17
An adult northern gannet hovers over a school of fish with about 5,000 other gannets ! Cape Breton Island, Canso Causeway, Nova Scotia, Canada. 10/7/16
Point Wolfe River flowing into the Bay of Fundy, Alma, New Brunswick, Canada. 10/5/15
Heres a video I took last week on Cape Breton of northern gannets diving for fish. The next day these thousands and thousands of gannets were gone. I was lucky to see this just before they migrated south.
Northern gannets diving for fish off the east coast of cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. 6/3/17
This sunrise suddenly was gone and it was dark and in the 40's today with heavy winds here on Cape Breton ! 6/14/17
I've been having fun with all the snowshoe hares on the island. They still have some white fur left from their winter coat. This one let me get almost up to it before it exploded with those huge feet !! and check out the ears !! 6/13/17
As i was getting ready to head out for a hike along the Atlantic shore this thunderstorm appeared right before my eyes! Needless to say I waited until it was over and over the ocean ! 6/13/17
Good morning Cape Breton ! 6/13/17
Sunrise Valley, Cape Breton looking out over Aspy Bay this morning....put on your sunglasses !! 6/12/17
Sunrise, 6/11/17, South Harbor, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia......
Two greater black-backed gulls were buzzing around in tandem this morning out on White Point. 6/11/17
Northern gannets hit the water head first going 60 mph while diving for fish. They fly as fast as peregrine falcons at times. This was another White point visitor this morning. 6/11/17
Quite a surprise to see ten herons along the coast loafing in a seabird nesting colony. Here are 5 of the 10 this morning sitting along the rocks of White Point. 6/11/17
The small fishing village of Ingonish, on the east shore of Cape Breton right on the Atlantic Ocean. A beaut of a day today after a rain storm last night. 6/10/17
I found this young raven hiding in the grass on top of a huge drop off over the ocean this morning. he was just watching the world go by ! He finally took off behind him and glided down to the rocks below. 7/10/17
Heres an adult raven screaming "I am king of the world" in the same location as the previous raven photo. I love Cape Breton ravens ! (sounds like a sports promo) 7/10/17
Sunrise 6/8/17 South Harbor, Cape Breton, NS Canada
An adult bald eagle soars over St. Ann's Bay, Cape Breton. 6/8/17
Puffin day for me ! Bird Island tour out of St. Ann's Bay to Bird Islands in the Cabot Strait. Many nesting puffins and other sea birds, including great blue herons !! 6/8/17
Three puffins lolly-gagging about the Bird Islands. 6/8/17
Cape Smokey,, Northern cape Breton Island has its own weather system being right on the northern Atlantic Ocean.......7/6/17
Sunrise from the porch. 6/6/17. South Harbor, Cape Breton, NS, Canada
Lobster season on Cape Breton..... St. Paul's Island in the distance. Taken from Neil's Harbor looking dead north up the east side of the island. 6/6/17
I was taking gannet pictures 200 yards off the rocks as they fed on small fish. This giant humpback whale made his presence known to me by popping to the surface and blowing air out his blow hole ! What a great surprise so close to me.... 6/6/17 (better than a bear Jim !! )
Did you know Cape Breton has the most rainbows per year in the world? I watched this one form into a double rainbow over the Aspy Bay this morning then head right towards me before disappearing. You can see the rain falling around it. 10/12/17
Neil's Harbor, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, planet Earth 10/11/17
After 3 hours one day and 90 minutes the next of watching these gray seals I finally got a decent family photo...... Cape Breton, Nova Scotia 10/10/17
Early morning sun lighting up Aspy Bay, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia Canada 10/9/17
Cape Breton at last ! this is the welcoming committee first thing this morning just down the shore from the cottage.
Mabou, Cape Breton Island….6/4/18
This juvenile bald eagle carried this 2 foot long stick around the Aspy Bay this morning for 15 minutes. He finally disappeared with it !
Sunrise, South Harbor, Cape Breton NS Canada 6/11/18
I caught this snowshoe hare in miid air as he hopped away from me.
This spruce grouse was setting by the side of a hiking trail in the boreal forest here on Cape Breton last week. The are very approachable birds.
This bald eagle snagged this fish right in front of me as I was in a boat on the St Ann’s Bay on Cape Breton yesterday…..6/7/18
Black Brook Cove on the Cabot Trail, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Because of the weather systems up there, Cape Breton has the most rainbows a year in the world !
Here’s another rainbow we saw 30 minutes after the Black Brook rainbow. This one is over the fishing village of Ingonish on the Cabot Trail on Cape Breton….
Neil’s Harbor today. Wild and wooly remnants of Hurricane Michael leaving northern Nova Scotia and into the open Atlantic.
Black Brook, Cape Breton, Cabot Trail, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Lake Warren, Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia….awesome foliage this year…. you can see a loon informational poster off to the lower right. Loons nest on this lake.
The north Atlantic Ocean at the mouth of Neil’s Harbor, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada……..
Money Point off in the distance looking over South Harbor on the Aspy Bay. Cape Breton NS, Canada on a calm day.
An immature northern gannet shakes off water after a break-neck dive for a fish off the coast of Northern Nova Scotia, Cape Breton Island, Eastern Canada
A male spruce grouse was picking seeds along one of the many dirt roads in The Highlands National Park yesterday morning
This morning in the rain on Cape Breton Island, Canada I had this HUGE black bear appear magically in front of me on the trail. He took one look and ran a ways into the woods and then just stared at me for about 5 minutes. I wondered if he thought I didn't have had enough meat on my bones!… He left….
Here are a few razor billed auks in an image taken last week off of the Bird Islands on the shore of Cape Breton Island. These birds are related to penguins and only come to land to nest and raise the young. Then they fly back out to sea. Sharp looking birds :)
White Point, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. 6/18/19
Early morning from the North Atlantic on the east side off Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada
Sunrise from Neils Harbor, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada from last week on my 2 weeks stay. It poured quite a few days while I was there.