All these moose photos you will see were taken in The Cape Breton Highlands National Park on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada Enjoy them as I had a blast photographing them.

A female on The Skyline Trail in Cape Breton Highlands National Park. All these these photos were taken over a period of 20 years in the Park.

Mid June and the antlers are already growing on the bulls.

"Who me ? " They look real shaggy in the spring when they are shedding the thick winter fur.

Another bull watching me cautiously. Thanks for telephoto lenses !!

"Can you see me in my disguise as a bush?"

They love the roadside ditches for the salt in the muck that they need to survive. Its from the Park salt/sanders trucks in the winter!

A female with a young one in the spring about 60 yards off the Skyline Trail. You never know when you will see a moose there.

As I said, you never know when they will show up. Another female with her young one. I had to just wait until they wandered off into the woods.

But first a lesson on getting the green grass…..

A female very alert to a bull about 40 feet away. Notice the full fur still on her back not shed from the winter yet.

A young bull standing along side the Cabot Trail in the Park.

Roadrunner !!

Mom giving the "crossing the road" lessons….. which is run as fast as you can.


Benji's Lake, Cape Breton Highlands National Park…...

This was taken in the pouring rain at Paquette Lake in Cape Breton National Park, Nova Scotia on June 17th at 5 PM. The moose and I were soaked when I took this. He was 130 yards away on the other side of a little cove. I used a Nikon D810 (set on 1.5 crop) with the Nikon 200-500 ED VR telephoto lens. I then cropped it in Lightroom.

Mom and twins at Benji's Lake

They need to eat 50 pounds of grass and bark a day to survive.

A female moose detects maybe another moose clumping through the woods or she sniffs another one coming. They have a great sense of smell. Benji's Lake, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia. 6/21/16

And here is a moose feeding on the trail to Benji's Lake I saw today ! 6/11/15

Here's a video of a moose I found bedded down early one morning in Cape Breton Highlands National Park at Benji's Lake a few weeks ago in Nova Scotia. Click on the white arrow and watch her long legs uncoil as she stands up ! 7/2/17

A different bull moose in a different part of the Highlands. The Cape Breton moose always look so scraggily after a long winter ! 6/10/15

"Fifi, I could smell your new cologne way down at the end of the swamp !!"

Moose number one ! A big bull was standing in the field on top of North Mountain in a heavy mist. Thats why I stopped the car, to take a few pictures of this guy....10/15/15

After watching the bull in the field and he moved on. I spotted three moose up the road 100 yards in the roadway up to a cell tower. Mom and her twins, here are the twins..... moose number two and three.....10/15/15

This moose was sleeping about 50 feet off the Skyline Trail curled up in a ball snoozing away. I scurried by and she never batted an eyelash. 6/17/16

This bull moose was hiding out of the high winds on the Skyline Trail today. I knew where they go when its windy so I went there and BINGO ! He spotted me after about ten minutes of taking pictures and I figure my jig was up! He laid down !!

Today was a four moose day. It started off with this gal laying up along a small pond in the Highlands National Park. I hiked in a mile to this pond and she left on her own about 30 minutes after I arrived. 6/17/16

Here is moose number 2 today. The moose up here on Cape Breton are still shedding and this guy looks like a scruffy dude. Benji's Lake, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia. 6/17/18

This is bull number two. He crossed the road within twenty yards of me standing on the side of the road with one thing on his mind! 10/15/15

This scruffy young bull moose saw me before I saw him. Then we played peek-a-boo for about ten minutes.........I won !!

I walked up on this guy feeding in a small pond and watched him for 45 minutes in the rain. An adult moose needs to munch 50 pounds a day of grasses, bark and leaves. Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia...... 6/15/16

A very large female moose leaves a small pond in The Cape Breton Highlands National Park. I ran into 4 moose today !! 6/14/16

Cape Breton Highlands National Park. 6/12/17, 5:45 Atlantic Standard Time. No words can explain the feeling......

The word among moose on Cape Breton is "when you see Dale, run as fast as you can, or get lots of bushes in front of you" This moose spotted me this morning and she was off to the races ! Note she is still shedding her heavy winter coat. 7/10/17

At six o'clock this morning this bull moose saw me just before I spotted him. He told me his favorite Beatle song was Hello, Goodbye and promptly left...... North Mountain, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia...... 6/10/17

This moose magically appeared out of a foggy forest this morning right in front of me, she looked at me and them sauntered away like "oh, you again?" ...... 6/7/17 Cape Breton Highlands

Within 10 minutes of arriving at Cape Breton Highlands National Par, Nova Scotia, a young bull moose was following its mother across the road. The mother was so fast, no picture, but I did get this little tyke ! 6/5/17

A bull moose checks me out as he watches the family you will see in the next slide. 6/8/18

A female moose with her two kids in tow this morning in Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Cape Breton, NS…..Canada 6/8/18

This female moose kept looking into the woods as something was disturbing her. Finally she wandered off in that direction. I was hoping for a bull to show up !

A large Cape Breton female moose made an appearance this morning right after I finished a hike looking for moose!

All these moose photos you will see were taken in The Cape Breton Highlands National Park on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada Enjoy them as I had a blast photographing them.
A female on The Skyline Trail in Cape Breton Highlands National Park. All these these photos were taken over a period of 20 years in the Park.
Mid June and the antlers are already growing on the bulls.
"Who me ? " They look real shaggy in the spring when they are shedding the thick winter fur.
Another bull watching me cautiously. Thanks for telephoto lenses !!
"Can you see me in my disguise as a bush?"
They love the roadside ditches for the salt in the muck that they need to survive. Its from the Park salt/sanders trucks in the winter!
A female with a young one in the spring about 60 yards off the Skyline Trail. You never know when you will see a moose there.
As I said, you never know when they will show up. Another female with her young one. I had to just wait until they wandered off into the woods.
But first a lesson on getting the green grass…..
A female very alert to a bull about 40 feet away. Notice the full fur still on her back not shed from the winter yet.
A young bull standing along side the Cabot Trail in the Park.
Roadrunner !!
Mom giving the "crossing the road" lessons….. which is run as fast as you can.
Benji's Lake, Cape Breton Highlands National Park…...
This was taken in the pouring rain at Paquette Lake in Cape Breton National Park, Nova Scotia on June 17th at 5 PM. The moose and I were soaked when I took this. He was 130 yards away on the other side of a little cove. I used a Nikon D810 (set on 1.5 crop) with the Nikon 200-500 ED VR telephoto lens. I then cropped it in Lightroom.
Mom and twins at Benji's Lake
They need to eat 50 pounds of grass and bark a day to survive.
A female moose detects maybe another moose clumping through the woods or she sniffs another one coming. They have a great sense of smell. Benji's Lake, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia. 6/21/16
And here is a moose feeding on the trail to Benji's Lake I saw today ! 6/11/15
Here's a video of a moose I found bedded down early one morning in Cape Breton Highlands National Park at Benji's Lake a few weeks ago in Nova Scotia. Click on the white arrow and watch her long legs uncoil as she stands up ! 7/2/17
A different bull moose in a different part of the Highlands. The Cape Breton moose always look so scraggily after a long winter ! 6/10/15
"Fifi, I could smell your new cologne way down at the end of the swamp !!"
Moose number one ! A big bull was standing in the field on top of North Mountain in a heavy mist. Thats why I stopped the car, to take a few pictures of this guy....10/15/15
After watching the bull in the field and he moved on. I spotted three moose up the road 100 yards in the roadway up to a cell tower. Mom and her twins, here are the twins..... moose number two and three.....10/15/15
This moose was sleeping about 50 feet off the Skyline Trail curled up in a ball snoozing away. I scurried by and she never batted an eyelash. 6/17/16
This bull moose was hiding out of the high winds on the Skyline Trail today. I knew where they go when its windy so I went there and BINGO ! He spotted me after about ten minutes of taking pictures and I figure my jig was up! He laid down !!
Today was a four moose day. It started off with this gal laying up along a small pond in the Highlands National Park. I hiked in a mile to this pond and she left on her own about 30 minutes after I arrived. 6/17/16
Here is moose number 2 today. The moose up here on Cape Breton are still shedding and this guy looks like a scruffy dude. Benji's Lake, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia. 6/17/18
This is bull number two. He crossed the road within twenty yards of me standing on the side of the road with one thing on his mind! 10/15/15
This scruffy young bull moose saw me before I saw him. Then we played peek-a-boo for about ten minutes.........I won !!
I walked up on this guy feeding in a small pond and watched him for 45 minutes in the rain. An adult moose needs to munch 50 pounds a day of grasses, bark and leaves. Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia...... 6/15/16
A very large female moose leaves a small pond in The Cape Breton Highlands National Park. I ran into 4 moose today !! 6/14/16
Cape Breton Highlands National Park. 6/12/17, 5:45 Atlantic Standard Time. No words can explain the feeling......
The word among moose on Cape Breton is "when you see Dale, run as fast as you can, or get lots of bushes in front of you" This moose spotted me this morning and she was off to the races ! Note she is still shedding her heavy winter coat. 7/10/17
At six o'clock this morning this bull moose saw me just before I spotted him. He told me his favorite Beatle song was Hello, Goodbye and promptly left...... North Mountain, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia...... 6/10/17
This moose magically appeared out of a foggy forest this morning right in front of me, she looked at me and them sauntered away like "oh, you again?" ...... 6/7/17 Cape Breton Highlands
Within 10 minutes of arriving at Cape Breton Highlands National Par, Nova Scotia, a young bull moose was following its mother across the road. The mother was so fast, no picture, but I did get this little tyke ! 6/5/17
A bull moose checks me out as he watches the family you will see in the next slide. 6/8/18
A female moose with her two kids in tow this morning in Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Cape Breton, NS…..Canada 6/8/18
This female moose kept looking into the woods as something was disturbing her. Finally she wandered off in that direction. I was hoping for a bull to show up !
A large Cape Breton female moose made an appearance this morning right after I finished a hike looking for moose!