Two does take an early morning walk thru the Quabbin as the water level goes down as it usually does in the fall.

One of the three white tailed deer I see occasionally in a certain swamp. She was onto me here !.... great gentile animals to watch when they are going about their life. Especially with other deer.

Two does and a buck white tailed deer are munching on swamp grasses and pond lilies early this morning. They hung around for 45 minutes before wandering back into the woods.

I saw this doe come out to eat along the shore today and have seen here a couple times before. She kept looking into the woods. Finally I saw a fawn in the woods as I suspected. I didn't notice the green heron in the pond until I was home looking at the pictures on my computer!

Finally this doe brought her fawn to the water instead of leaving it in the woods. This is the 4th time I've seen them in the last two weeks at the heron/beaver pond.

Every few days when Im taking heron photos a white tailed deer or two will pop out along the shore and spend some time eating the lily pads and water lilys.

Today this doe arrived without her fawn, or maybe this is a different doe than usually visits early in the morning. But then again maybe it was up in the woods.

After sitting for 3 hours in the woods near gate 29 this neat 7 point buck came sauntering by like it didn't have a care in the world.... 11/17/15

I spend hours standing in one place just watching and waiting. This morning after 90 minutes I turned around and moved about 20 feet. This doe jumped up from about 30 feet to my left and scared the crap out of me. She then stopped turned around and started slowly walking towards me ! 8/5/16

I saw this white tailed deer this morning as I snuck up in darkness to the edge of a large field I have seen moose in. As morning light got brighter this guy seemed to come closer and closer to me. I took about 35 photos before he wandered off into the woods. 10/29/16

Here is a female (doe) in her sleek mid summer brown coat feeding on some nice green leaves.

These twigs dropped in the road and made easy acorn eating for this young deer early in the morning.

It turned out to be a young spike horn buck. A few minutes down the road I spotted him 20 feet from me in a flower patch.

Same deer as the last shot, different angel.

I was perched on a ridge when this ten point buck wandered in front of me in the late fall.

I spent Thanksgiving morning in the silence of the woods of the Quabbin from 6:30 until 10. This guy popped up at about 9:00. A nice siting for sure. 8 Points. I hope he avoids the Quabbin deer hunt in a few weeks ! 11/23/16

Five white-tailed deer walked out in front of me this morning at 6:30AM on my way into Quabbin. It was a pleasant surprise. I just stood there and snapped a few pictures. They spotted me but didnt leave and just kept moseying along and headed into the woods. 4/2/17

Here are 3 of the 5 deer I saw this morning at dawn in the Quabbin. 4/2/17

I came upon 3 more deer today, same place as I saw 5 last weekend. The wind was with me and they never saw me. After about ten minutes they wandered into the woods to get away from the nasty wind. 4/8/17

Here's another image from a different angle so you can see this beautiful monster rack !!

These same two bucks came back out for fresh greens for breakfast early this morning. This is the second day this week I have seen them. A few days ago they had a third one with them 7/20/17

A few years ago in this same pond I was taking a picture of a heron and an otter popped up. Today in this same pond I had my sights on another great blue heron along the back shore of the pond and a pair of white-tailed does popped out of the woods ! The heron kept right on preening...

"Will you quit munchin ?? !!, there's someone over there watching us, get ready to beat it!" 7/17/17

I spotted these 3 fawns all loafing in the sum this morning in a backyard in Athol. They were acting just like tame deer until a dog came down the road ! 8/6/17

Speaking of deer, for a minute I thought my lens was broken and I was seeing five of everything!!

Last week I caught this 1.5 year old white-tailed buck looking for love in the rain ! :) He was oblivious to me and strolled along with his nose in the air sniffing away to beat the band !

This young doe walked out in front of me on Thanksgiving with not a care in the world. She let me take photos of her and then walked into the woods and disappeared like she appeared!

Finally !!! I got out into the Quabbin and this doe greeted me and then disappeared into thin air...

These same 2 bucks keep showing up every morning at the same time in the same place. I love watching them...... 7/23/17

This white tailed doe came out just up the shore from me this morning. I was pretty well hidden as you can see, she didnt see me.....

This white tailed fawn belongs to the previous pictured doe.... it still looks like a baby!

A doe came putting along down the shoreline this morning. Right behind her was this guy ! I kind of figured there may be a buck around seeing I heard one snort in the woods about 90 minutes earlier.

I had two visitors at the heron pond this morning while watching the great blue heron catch his breakfast at 6AM. 6/30/15

I spotted this white-tailed buck looking at me from across the pond early this morning. What a beautyr he will be !

A white tailed doe took a few bounces to cross the trail I was walking on……you can see why they call them “white-tailed deer.

It was just getting light when this doe came out just up from where I was sitting in the woods in Petersham. You can see her fur has started to turn a different shade of brown/gray of their winter coat.

All was quiet and watching this white-tailed doe amble the shoreline.......... 20 seconds of sun through the cloud opening.... "click"......... never see this again in my lifetime.....

Today, early in the fog I came upon a doe and two fawns. I was able to watch and photography them for almost an hour as the fog dissipated and the conditions got much better as they got close to me.

Photo bombed !!

This fawn was playing “jumping bean” and every once in a while would jump all around. It was quite entertaining!

This doe was wandering the shoreline at 5:45 in the morning….

The white-tailed bucks are just starting to grow their antlers right now. Here is a buck who was with another buck and a doe feeding along a beaver pond in the Petersham area yesterday early in the morning. Notice that he is still shedding his winter grayish fur. In a few weeks he will be a reddish brown.

If you take your friend out to breakfast, take them down by the pond for leaves. It's cheaper :).

Early morning walk along the shoreline brought me this doe, and another one with 2 fawns and 4 otters.

July 4th pal.......He just stood there and watched me go, as long as I kept going he didn't move, I was able to take 2 images when I first spotted him watching me....

I spotted this lonely guy wandering the shoreline a few days ago looking for some female company….

Frost on the pumpkin and frost on the whiskers this morning!

Looking for something to eat on a bleak early winters morning this doe wanders the Quabbin shoreline.

This white-tail deer came trotting out of the woods and away from where I was standing. I was amazed at the beautiful white tails she has !

I caught these 2 nice bucks feeding in a large field by my house as the sun was just rising,

And here is your eye test for today! How many deer am I holding up ? :)

I found these 2 does eating grass in a nice sunny meadow .. One was a little nervous and one was incredibly pregnant…. The nervous one jumped about 200 feet up the hill. I didn’t realize I had a flying shot until I got it onto my computer.

The deer on the right is the pregnant one…..

This beautiful 10 point buck was walking thru a big field today as I was driving along on a dirt road beside it. He stopped to check me out and I was able to get a couple shots off before he decided he didn’t want his picture taken !

As I was hiking down a dirt road I spotted this young spike horn buck watching me. He was quite curious from the middle off a large field and he started cautiously walking towards me. Finally he walked off knowing I was not a threat.

A white-tailed buck world away and eating his fill of fungi that grows on the side of trees. he watched me for a few minutes and then went back to feeding.

I took this a few days ago in the Quabbin Reservoir. This ones for my Dad, He loved deer. He passed away a few days before Christmas.

The white tailed deer are starting to roam and looking for food so they can fatten up to get them thru the long winter months. If you look close you can see a few white spots still left on this fawn on her rear haunches.

A nice day to investigate the shore line !

Early morning deer searching for a drink. She’s in the right place! After 2 years of back pain I am now pain free and can get far into Quabbin to get images like this with some patience. Life is good! ..again

White tail deer are in their mating season now (The Rut) … bucks are wandering all over trying to find mates….

This week the fog has been covering the Quabbin every morning. This was an hour wait to get this guy as the fog started to left.

“Hey Dale. is that you?” These 2 does were really curios about what I was up to. Finally I left as they went back to munching breakfast.

I turned around this morning and this guy was staring me down !

A giant buck jumped across the road in front of me yesterday. Feeding along side the road was this cute little doe with not a care in the world. Taken at 30 feet away with a 600mm Nikon f4 lens!

After chasing and photographing moose for the last 2 months, a deer seems so small !

While bushwhacking thru the northern Quabbin I found this guy digging for some greens he found in a large patch of Japanese Barberry. I didn't see him until he looked up.

I heard a snort this morning that sounded like it was very close to me. I slowly looked down the shoreline of the pond and this is who I saw…. staring me down!

I found this doe feeding early this morning. I was hoping the cold weather got the deer and moose moving about. You can see their coats are already starting to turn to their winter fur.

Two does take an early morning walk thru the Quabbin as the water level goes down as it usually does in the fall.
One of the three white tailed deer I see occasionally in a certain swamp. She was onto me here !.... great gentile animals to watch when they are going about their life. Especially with other deer.
Two does and a buck white tailed deer are munching on swamp grasses and pond lilies early this morning. They hung around for 45 minutes before wandering back into the woods.
I saw this doe come out to eat along the shore today and have seen here a couple times before. She kept looking into the woods. Finally I saw a fawn in the woods as I suspected. I didn't notice the green heron in the pond until I was home looking at the pictures on my computer!
Finally this doe brought her fawn to the water instead of leaving it in the woods. This is the 4th time I've seen them in the last two weeks at the heron/beaver pond.
Every few days when Im taking heron photos a white tailed deer or two will pop out along the shore and spend some time eating the lily pads and water lilys.
Today this doe arrived without her fawn, or maybe this is a different doe than usually visits early in the morning. But then again maybe it was up in the woods.
After sitting for 3 hours in the woods near gate 29 this neat 7 point buck came sauntering by like it didn't have a care in the world.... 11/17/15
I spend hours standing in one place just watching and waiting. This morning after 90 minutes I turned around and moved about 20 feet. This doe jumped up from about 30 feet to my left and scared the crap out of me. She then stopped turned around and started slowly walking towards me ! 8/5/16
I saw this white tailed deer this morning as I snuck up in darkness to the edge of a large field I have seen moose in. As morning light got brighter this guy seemed to come closer and closer to me. I took about 35 photos before he wandered off into the woods. 10/29/16
Here is a female (doe) in her sleek mid summer brown coat feeding on some nice green leaves.
These twigs dropped in the road and made easy acorn eating for this young deer early in the morning.
It turned out to be a young spike horn buck. A few minutes down the road I spotted him 20 feet from me in a flower patch.
Same deer as the last shot, different angel.
I was perched on a ridge when this ten point buck wandered in front of me in the late fall.
I spent Thanksgiving morning in the silence of the woods of the Quabbin from 6:30 until 10. This guy popped up at about 9:00. A nice siting for sure. 8 Points. I hope he avoids the Quabbin deer hunt in a few weeks ! 11/23/16
Five white-tailed deer walked out in front of me this morning at 6:30AM on my way into Quabbin. It was a pleasant surprise. I just stood there and snapped a few pictures. They spotted me but didnt leave and just kept moseying along and headed into the woods. 4/2/17
Here are 3 of the 5 deer I saw this morning at dawn in the Quabbin. 4/2/17
I came upon 3 more deer today, same place as I saw 5 last weekend. The wind was with me and they never saw me. After about ten minutes they wandered into the woods to get away from the nasty wind. 4/8/17
Here's another image from a different angle so you can see this beautiful monster rack !!
These same two bucks came back out for fresh greens for breakfast early this morning. This is the second day this week I have seen them. A few days ago they had a third one with them 7/20/17
A few years ago in this same pond I was taking a picture of a heron and an otter popped up. Today in this same pond I had my sights on another great blue heron along the back shore of the pond and a pair of white-tailed does popped out of the woods ! The heron kept right on preening...
"Will you quit munchin ?? !!, there's someone over there watching us, get ready to beat it!" 7/17/17
I spotted these 3 fawns all loafing in the sum this morning in a backyard in Athol. They were acting just like tame deer until a dog came down the road ! 8/6/17
Speaking of deer, for a minute I thought my lens was broken and I was seeing five of everything!!
Last week I caught this 1.5 year old white-tailed buck looking for love in the rain ! :) He was oblivious to me and strolled along with his nose in the air sniffing away to beat the band !
This young doe walked out in front of me on Thanksgiving with not a care in the world. She let me take photos of her and then walked into the woods and disappeared like she appeared!
Finally !!! I got out into the Quabbin and this doe greeted me and then disappeared into thin air...
These same 2 bucks keep showing up every morning at the same time in the same place. I love watching them...... 7/23/17
This white tailed doe came out just up the shore from me this morning. I was pretty well hidden as you can see, she didnt see me.....
This white tailed fawn belongs to the previous pictured doe.... it still looks like a baby!
A doe came putting along down the shoreline this morning. Right behind her was this guy ! I kind of figured there may be a buck around seeing I heard one snort in the woods about 90 minutes earlier.
I had two visitors at the heron pond this morning while watching the great blue heron catch his breakfast at 6AM. 6/30/15
I spotted this white-tailed buck looking at me from across the pond early this morning. What a beautyr he will be !
A white tailed doe took a few bounces to cross the trail I was walking on……you can see why they call them “white-tailed deer.
It was just getting light when this doe came out just up from where I was sitting in the woods in Petersham. You can see her fur has started to turn a different shade of brown/gray of their winter coat.
All was quiet and watching this white-tailed doe amble the shoreline.......... 20 seconds of sun through the cloud opening.... "click"......... never see this again in my lifetime.....
Today, early in the fog I came upon a doe and two fawns. I was able to watch and photography them for almost an hour as the fog dissipated and the conditions got much better as they got close to me.
Photo bombed !!
This fawn was playing “jumping bean” and every once in a while would jump all around. It was quite entertaining!
This doe was wandering the shoreline at 5:45 in the morning….
The white-tailed bucks are just starting to grow their antlers right now. Here is a buck who was with another buck and a doe feeding along a beaver pond in the Petersham area yesterday early in the morning. Notice that he is still shedding his winter grayish fur. In a few weeks he will be a reddish brown.
If you take your friend out to breakfast, take them down by the pond for leaves. It's cheaper :).
Early morning walk along the shoreline brought me this doe, and another one with 2 fawns and 4 otters.
July 4th pal.......He just stood there and watched me go, as long as I kept going he didn't move, I was able to take 2 images when I first spotted him watching me....
I spotted this lonely guy wandering the shoreline a few days ago looking for some female company….
Frost on the pumpkin and frost on the whiskers this morning!
Looking for something to eat on a bleak early winters morning this doe wanders the Quabbin shoreline.
This white-tail deer came trotting out of the woods and away from where I was standing. I was amazed at the beautiful white tails she has !
I caught these 2 nice bucks feeding in a large field by my house as the sun was just rising,
And here is your eye test for today! How many deer am I holding up ? :)
I found these 2 does eating grass in a nice sunny meadow .. One was a little nervous and one was incredibly pregnant…. The nervous one jumped about 200 feet up the hill. I didn’t realize I had a flying shot until I got it onto my computer.
The deer on the right is the pregnant one…..
This beautiful 10 point buck was walking thru a big field today as I was driving along on a dirt road beside it. He stopped to check me out and I was able to get a couple shots off before he decided he didn’t want his picture taken !
As I was hiking down a dirt road I spotted this young spike horn buck watching me. He was quite curious from the middle off a large field and he started cautiously walking towards me. Finally he walked off knowing I was not a threat.
A white-tailed buck world away and eating his fill of fungi that grows on the side of trees. he watched me for a few minutes and then went back to feeding.
I took this a few days ago in the Quabbin Reservoir. This ones for my Dad, He loved deer. He passed away a few days before Christmas.
The white tailed deer are starting to roam and looking for food so they can fatten up to get them thru the long winter months. If you look close you can see a few white spots still left on this fawn on her rear haunches.
A nice day to investigate the shore line !
Early morning deer searching for a drink. She’s in the right place! After 2 years of back pain I am now pain free and can get far into Quabbin to get images like this with some patience. Life is good! ..again
White tail deer are in their mating season now (The Rut) … bucks are wandering all over trying to find mates….
This week the fog has been covering the Quabbin every morning. This was an hour wait to get this guy as the fog started to left.
“Hey Dale. is that you?” These 2 does were really curios about what I was up to. Finally I left as they went back to munching breakfast.
I turned around this morning and this guy was staring me down !
A giant buck jumped across the road in front of me yesterday. Feeding along side the road was this cute little doe with not a care in the world. Taken at 30 feet away with a 600mm Nikon f4 lens!
After chasing and photographing moose for the last 2 months, a deer seems so small !
While bushwhacking thru the northern Quabbin I found this guy digging for some greens he found in a large patch of Japanese Barberry. I didn't see him until he looked up.
I heard a snort this morning that sounded like it was very close to me. I slowly looked down the shoreline of the pond and this is who I saw…. staring me down!
I found this doe feeding early this morning. I was hoping the cold weather got the deer and moose moving about. You can see their coats are already starting to turn to their winter fur.